16 Books that can make a difference in our evolution
“The books you don’t read won’t help”
--Jim Rohn

Tribe of Mentors
– Tim Ferris
Tim interviews successful people from all walks of life – some you have heard of – some you haven’t – about what they do to be successful – they are basically short vignettes – and I would read 1 a day – and what you start to see is patterns of habits and actions – that you might not be thinking about – journaling, meditation, diet, decision making (“hell yes or no”) and all kinds of amazing life information – and none of these people – NONE – believe they have it all figured out – they have just figured out what works for them. PSMRF

Discipline is Destiny
– Ryan Holiday
I’ve slowly become a big fan of Ryan Holiday and Stoicism – and everyone can benefit from understanding the concept and integrating it into their lives. He also has a good newsletter with Reading lists on a regular basis – and though he and I don’t share exactly the same type of reading – I’ve gotten some very powerful ideas and recommendations from him. (I also wrote him a question regarding something in a book and he wrote me back promptly with an answer.) PMSR

Money Master the Game
– Tony Robbins
Tony is sometimes a cliché – but he is vibrating at an entirely different level and worth following either through books, podcasts or even linked In. In this book he interviews a bunch of very successful people (think billionaires) about how to use what they know for “ordinary” people – I got more out of this and it changed my investment trajectory completely from the information. He released a later book called “Unshakeable” which builds on these ideas and is somewhat “easier” – but I recommend putting in the EFFORT for the original before moving on to the 2nd.